
تعداد بازدید:۱۲۹

مراجع :

[1] Vitovec, F.H., 1958. Fatigue, Creep, and Rupture Properties of the Alloys Udimet 500, Hastelloy R-235, and GMR-235 (Vol. 58, No. 340). Wright Air development Center, Air Research and Development Command, US Air Force.

[2] Richmond, F.M., 1958. High-Temperature Properties of vacuum-melted Superalloys. SAE Transactions, pp.193-199.

[3] Chandler, H. ed., 1996. Heat treater's guide: practices and procedures for nonferrous alloys. ASM international.

[4] https://www.aubertduval.com.

[5] ASTM Hand Book, Heat Treatment of Cast Nickel-Base Alloys, volume 4E.